Making the difficult choice between live-in care and a care home
One of the biggest challenges of the 21st century is Britain’s ageing population. As later-life care becomes more prevalent, whether you are considering this for yourself or a relative, covering the costs involved can be significant.
Taking the time to take back control over retirement savings
With all that has been going on in the world this year, for many people it’s been really difficult to feel as though they’re in control of much. However, some people have been in the fortunate position of being able to take the opportunity to invest in both their physical and emotional health while in lockdown.
Why it’s important not to view your portfolio with an element of finality
Retirement is a major accomplishment for most people. You’ve worked hard all of your working life to save and prepare for your retirement, and now you’ve finally retired. So how should you approach investing now that you’re no longer earning a salary? When it comes to investing during retirement, with the right strategy, you can help make sure your retirement savings last.
We are living in extraordinary times right now, in the grip of a global coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Many people are concerned to ensure that their affairs are in order and that they have made a Will, which is one of the most important legal documents you can create in life.
Pandemic forcing a widespread rethink of retirement plans
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic crisis has thrown some of the nation’s retirement plans up in the air. As a result, a number of people over 50 and in work are set to delay their retirement (15%) by an average of three years, or keep working indefinitely (26%) as a direct result of COVID-19, according to new research[1].
Looking to discover what you can do with your pension pot?
In 2015, the retirement rules were rewritten. The rules, which came into effect from 6 April 2015, have changed the way people take money out of their pensions, with new freedoms and options available to anyone over the age of 55.
While the number of couples divorcing has decreased in recent years[1], with 91,299 cases in 2018 compared to 102,007 in 2017, the cohort of couples deciding to split in later life is on the rise. Also, pre-pandemic divorce valuations could have changed by as much as 30%, which may lead to some people receiving unfair settlements if valuations are not updated[2].
How to make the most of the various pension allowances
Saving into a pension is one of the most tax-efficient ways to save for your retirement. Not only do pensions enable you to grow your retirement savings largely free of tax, but they also provide tax relief on the contributions you make.
Homes deadline extended to ensure customers do not miss out
Thousands of families can still benefit from the current Help to Buy scheme despite delays in building their new homes due to coronavirus. The deadline for the homes to have been finished in order to comply with the equity loan scheme has been extended to ensure customers do not miss out if there has been a delay in construction due to the pandemic.
Why working and retirement are no longer binary terms
Giving up the 9-to-5 doesn’t necessarily mean stopping work. Many people are now considering staggered or flexible working. It can suit some individuals who have caring responsibilities or health issues, or those thinking about retiring in the next few years.
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